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Biblioteca Sandler Training

Líderes de la industria compartiendo los mejores cosnejos y conceptos contigo.

Siempre hemos estado a la cabeza en el mercado gracias a nuestro liderazgo y nuestras soluciones de entrenamiento innovadoras

Algunos de nuestros directivos y entrenadores también se dedican a escribir libros paya ayudar a los vendedores y ejecutivos de servicio al cliente profesionales a alcanzar su máximo potencial.

How to Sell to the Modern Buyer

How to Sell to the Modern Buyer breaks down the basics of effective professional selling in the multiple-platform, remote-buying, hybrid-meeting era. The book, which updates the bestseller The Sandler Rules, features an updated list of Sandler’s famous principles for sales success.

21st Century Prospecting

21st Century Prospecting provides a guide on how to connect and engage effectively with prospective buyers in today’s complex, multi-platform selling environment.

¡No Puedes Enseñar a un Niño a Andar en Bicicleta en un Seminario!

Las técnicas de venta tradicionales,son la regla en las ventas profesionales, pero casi todo el mundo está de acuerdo que estas técnicas son anticuadas simplemente no funcionan. Cada prospecto ha escuchado las mismas técnicas innumerables veces antes, hasta lo que un vendedor que va a decir, ¡incluso antes de que comience la presentación! Es por eso que los prospectos pueden controlar fácilmente una llamada de ventas, y destruir la autoestima del vendedor en el proceso.

Controlar vs. Coaching ¿Conoces la diferencia?

Estudios recientes descubrieron que pocos gerentes de ventas invierten tiempo en coaching, y cuando lo hacen lo hacen mal, no obteniendo los resultados esperados. The Coach's Playbook: Breaking the Performance Code, escrito por el Entrenador  Sandler Bill Bartlett responde la pregunta de "¿por qué? y ofrece un plan especifico basado en el reconocido Sistema de Ventas Sandler.

Yes, You Can Take A Day Off

Yes, You Can Take a Day Off provides a roadmap for entrepreneurs and small business owners on how to overcome and steer clear of toxic misconceptions so you can take your business to the next level.

Ventas Empresariales Sandler, publicado por McGraw Hill

Competir por cuentas grandes y complejas, con múltiples instancias y tomadores de decisiones es un gran reto para los vendedores profesionales. Este libro recién publicado provee una metodología de seis pasos para obtener cuentas empresariales, darles el servicio que necesitan y expandir la relación a través del tiempo.

Making the Climb

In Making the Climb, Peter Oliver discusses the single most common mistake senior management makes when promoting someone into a sales management role? Making the Climb is the antidote to the “sink or swim” approach that sabotages too many aspiring sales professionals.

Las Reglas Sandler: 49 Principios de Ventas y Cómo Aplicarlos

Hasta ahora, estas reglas habían sido sólo compartidas sólo a los clientes Sandler. Después de tres décadas de éxito probado, te presentamos las reglas Sandler. Cuando los vendedores conocen y aplican las reglas, obtienen resultados.  

Sandler: Principios del Éxito

Mejorar el rendimiento a través de la autoconciencia y las relaciones. Mattson y Seidman ,ejecutivos de Sandler Training, líder mundial en capacitación y entrenamiento en ventas ventas, se enfocan sobre 11 principios básicos que se pueden desarrollar una nueva identidad y promover el crecimiento profesional. El Sistema Sandler revela los conocimientos necesarios para cambiar sus propias creencias, conductas y actitudes para que coincidan con la de los vendedores más exitosos.

LinkedIn: The Sandler Way

25 secretos que muestran cómo aprovechar la red social de negocios más grande del mundo .

[NEW] Scaling Sales Success

In Scaling Sales Success, David Mattson discusses 16 proven rules for sales leaders who aim to lead a team that generates scalable revenue growth.


Getting From Where You Are to Where You Want to Be

In Goal Setting Boot Camp, Kevin Shulmun discusses an intensive four-day process to personal breakthroughs and greater fulfillment in virtually any area of life.


Face stressful negotiation situations

In Negotiating from the Inside Out, Clint Babcock discuss how to overcome the inner obstacles to successful negotiations that everyone faces … and master the simple three-step process that leads to successful outcomes in virtually any negotiating situation.

Gold Medal Selling

In Gold Medal Selling, learn the ten sales “muscles” that the most successful salespeople condition over time … and keep conditioning.

The important process of personal and organizational transformation

In The Intentional Sales Manager, Pat McManamon discuss how to cultivate intentional sales management with decisions made consciously, rather than from force of habit.

Moving out of your organizational comfort zone

In The Success Cadence, David Mattson, Tom Schodorf, and Bart Fanelli discuss how to create and sustain a distinctive operational cadence for yourself and your team that delivers a rapid sales process when combined with the right methodology and toolkit.

In Sales Situations

In The Art and Skill of Sales Psychology, Brad McDonald identifies the psychological motivators that cause buyers and sellers to do what they do and take control over the sales process.


Transition from producer to manager

In Misery to Mastery, Sandler Trainer Paul Van Den Hoven provides a guide to help managers begin what may be the most critical journey in tech… the journey from sales producer to sales leader.

Attract and Retain the Best People

Lisette Howlett's breakthrough book, The Right Hire, provides a proven system for attracting the very best people to your organization and how to retain those people once they’re on the team.

The Unapologetic Saleswoman

Lorraine Ferguson's breakthrough book, The Unapologetic Saleswoman, provides insight and practical how to’s for overcoming some of the most common concerns and self-doubts and erasing the negative connotations of selling.

Making Channel Sales Work

Marcus Cauchi and David Davies' breakthrough book, Making Channel Sales Work, provides a structured approach to third-party sales management with ten tools to create a world-class third-party selling program.

Powerful communication tactics for positive outcomes

In From the Board Room to the Living Room, Training director David Hiatt introduces a how-to communication guide on using sales and negotiation strategies when looking to improve relationships, deepen conversations and achieve more positive outcomes.


The Road to Excellence

In The Road to Excellence: 6 Leadership Strategies to Build a Bulletproof Business, Sandler CEO and President Dave Mattson introduces six powerful leadership strategies that identifies the common blind spots that can take any business off track.

Winning From Failing

Josh Seibert's new book, Winning From Failing: Build and Lead a Corporate Learning Culture for High Performance, shows company leaders how to harness the natural adult learning progression. His book shows sales leaders (and others) how to create, support, and sustain a workplace learning culture that measurably improves performance. Launching such a culture always starts with top management's recognition that it is okay, even essential, for people to fail...within clearly defined boundaries.

Patient Care the Sandler Way

Great medical practices look and sound different than their competition. Sure, profitability contributes to greatness, as does superior medical expertise—but these are not enough. Great medical practices put a high priority on delivering an extraordinary experience—for both their patients and their internal staff.

The Sandler Rules for Sales Leaders

Here's a mystery. We have a common language and a common process for every single department in the organization...except sales. In fact, on most sales teams, salespeople tend to resist any attempt to establish a consistent process for the team as a whole...and managers tend to let them! Why?

Call Center Success The Sandler Way

Even in this age of "do not call" lists and voicemail jail, more and more companies are setting up call centers to close more business. Call Center Success The Sandler Way, by Sandler Trainer Tom Niesen, will help you empower your team and reach your business goals by presenting practical tools and insights to take the guesswork out of operating a call center. Learn how a successful call center can turn your current "shoppers" into buying "customers".

Motivational Management The Sandler Way

People come to work for their reasons, not ours. To get the most from your organization, you need to understand these reasons…and tie them to your company’s mission. Motivational Management The Sandler Way, by Sandler trainer Mike Crandall, focuses on this underlying principle. You will learn about motivating yourself, your team, and your company at optimum levels—by leveraging the inside and outside forces that inspire people to take action. 

Change The Sandler Way

You don’t have the luxury of avoiding change, internally and externally. Change is constant. You can, however, learn to recognize leading indicators of transitions and prepare yourself and your team to benefit from the change or mitigate any negative impacts. Change The Sandler Way, by Sandler trainer Hamish Knox, is about facilitating change in yourself, your team, and your company. This powerful book details and demonstrates the four stages of transition and eight common negative consequences that accompany organizational change.